Jeff Dossett

Jeff served as an Indiana elected County office-holder for 18 years, as a County Councilman, Clerk of the Circuit Court and County Auditor. This experience gives Jeff significant knowledge of County budgets and the inner workings of the Clerk’s Office and Court procedures like no other vendor.
County Government
Elected by party caucus to fill the un-expired term as Auditor in 2005
Elected Circuit Court Clerk in 2000 and re-elected in 2004
Secretary of the Montgomery County Commission on Public Records 2000 – 2005
Secretary of the Montgomery County Election Board 2000 – 2005
Served as Vice President of the County Council for two years
Elected by party caucus to fill the un-expired term on the county council in 1989. Re-elected in 90, 94 & 98. County Council Association Served as Vice President of the West Central District in 1997 – 1998 Treasurer 1999-2000
Clerks Association Co-Chairman of legislative committee 2001 & 2002 Member of records management committee 2003 – 2005 Alumni Member 2005 – present ,Association of Indiana Counties, President 2006 – 2007, Vice President 2004 – 2006, Treasurer 2003, West Central District President 2002, West Central District Vice President 1997 – 1999 & 2001, Committee Member of Conference and Legislative
Member of special Tax Sale legislative committee of AIC, Attended all AIC conferences since 1994
Community Service, Assistant Ombudsman Director for the Indiana Committee of the Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve. 2014 – 2019, Ombudsman for the Indiana Committee of the Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve. 2000 – 2019 Indiana Supreme Court Records Management Committee 2004 – 2005 Montgomery County Economic Development Committee 1998 – 2000 Crawfordsville Economic Development Commission, Vice President 1998 – 2000
Montgomery County Youth Camps Inc., board of directors 1996 – 1999 Montgomery County Plan Commission 1996 ITT Electronic Education Advisory Board, 1995 Montgomery County Community Foundation, steering committee member Walnut Elementary PTO, past President
Scouts, committee member
Service Awards
Indiana Regional Minority Supplier Development Council on behalf of Pillow Delivery
Service of Indianapolis in appreciation for efforts and dedication towards the
advancement of minority enterprise 1995
Disabled American Veterans Department of Indiana Certificate of Merit for meritorious
Service and Conscientious devotion to the welfare of the disabled and their families 1996
Certificate of Commendation by the Richard L. Roudebush VA medical Center
Indianapolis IN for sincere gratitude for your support of the DAV Transportation
Network serving Indiana hospitalized veterans 1997
Rookie of the Year by the Indiana Election Division in recognition of successful and
bipartisan service during his first term as Montgomery County Clerk 2001
Clerks Association Service award winner 2002
Outstanding Service in Election Administration by the Indiana Election Division in
recognition of outstanding public service 2004
Indiana Circuit Court Clerk of the year 2005
Marleen Sutton Clerk of the Year 2005
2005 National County Official of the Year
2013 The President’s Volunteer Service Award
2016 Ombudsman of the Year, Indiana Committee of the Employer Support of the Guard
and Reserve.
2017 Ombudsman of the Year, Indiana Committee of the Employer Support of the Guard
and Reserve.Currently Jeff lives in Fishers. His son Brian lives in Oklahoma helping with graphic design solutions and daughter Valerie lives in Lafayette, Indiana and works at Subaru in Lafayette.
Jeff Kemper

Jeff is Director of Sales for Dossett Consulting. He has a Bachelor Degree from University of Notre Dame in Business Administration & Marketing.
Jeff’s Work History:
Insurance, Banking, Investment Sector in Lafayette – 18 years
General Contractor Sales – 6 years
Tippecanoe County Councilman – 20 years
Various positions in Business Development in the Public Sector – 20 years including Wolpert Engineering, the Schneider Corp , SRI, The Masters Touch, Doxtek, & Uzelac & Associates. Jeff joined the Dossett Consulting LLC team in October, 2017.
Married to wife Tina. Son Scott and family living in the Chicago area with granddaughter Stella and grandson Dylan. His daughter Kristy and family live in the Boston area with grandsons Conner & Cooper
Steven Livesay

Steven is a Senior Consultant on our team. He graduated from Wabash College with a Bachelors degree in Computational Mathematics with a minor in Philosophy. Before joining Dossett Consulting, Steven worked at RR Donelley part time on a book press during his college years and continuing for a time after college. He has been a Consultant for Dossett for 8 years, including 2 years of part time work. Steven’s hobbies include video games, reading, and a somewhat rusty talent of playing the piano.
Bob Plantenga

Bob is a Cost Allocation Specialist with Dossett Consulting. His extensive knowledge of county government finance make him an exceptional addition to the team.
He is married to Kim (2nd Grade Teacher at Lafayette Christian School). Married 37 wonderful years. Three children: Ashley (deceased), Eric and Ryan.
some career highlights.
Officer in the Auditor’s Association for 3 years (Secretary in 2004, Treasurer in 2005 and President in 2006 – due to my time left in office, I was not VP at all). Officer in the Treasurer’s Association for 4 years (Secretary in 2011, Treasurer in 2012, VP in 2013 and President in 2014).
Awards include County Auditor of the year in 2000 by County Commissioner’s State Association, County Auditor of the year in 2006 by Association of Indiana Counties, and County Treasurer of the year in 2014 by Association of Indiana Counties.
BS from Purdue University in 1982 in Management, Tippecanoe County Deputy Auditor (1984-1998) County Auditor (1999-2006) County Treasurer (2007-2014) County Auditor (2015-2022)
Stu Rhodes

Stu is a Data Analyst for Dossett Consulting.