Title IV-D Reimbursement Optimization
Dossett Consulting has an extensive knowledge of Title IV-D claiming. We can help you utilize the IV-D program in a way that will help you ensure the county is getting the highest amount of return for your reimbursements. We are a Hoosier-owned company, and have never had a Federal defferred prosecution agreement.
Title IV-D Incentive Utilization
Dossett Consulting can help guide you in the ways of the Title IV-D program to make sure you are using the incentive money in such a way to get the most “bang for your buck.”
Budget Utilization
Dossett Consulting has extensive knowledge with budgets and the budget process. We can help you prepare your budget, explain your budget to the County Council and advise you on how to use the current budget and add workers.
Let Us Help
Our fees are lower than our competition and our service is better. Ask any of our clients! Call us today to let us help you with Title IV-D claims for your county.